WeedErase Electric Weed Killer (Corded)


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Grow the plants you want and kill the weeds you want to get rid of easily with the WeedErase Electric Weed Killer! It almost literally zaps them away starting from the root up! When you apply our recipe of light into the weed’s root, root crown, and leaves, you set off a chain of events that eliminates the weed.

How does it work?  It’s simple really. The WeedErase weed killer uses IR light which creates heat that cuts off the water supply from the root. While the UV light penetrates the ground to disrupt the root functions. Nature Zap can never be over applied, and is safe for use around home lawn and gardens.

Time interval for the LED IR Light. For small weeds (between 2-3 leaves) press the button once and the light will stay on for 3 seconds. For larger weeds (3 or more leaves) press the button twice and the light will remain on for 9 seconds. This will correspond to 1 button press for 3 seconds and 2 button presses for 9 seconds. If you press and hold the button down you’ll end up shutting off the unit after 5 seconds.

The WeedErase has an auto-off feature, after 10 minutes of nod button presses, the unit will power itself off.

So Basically… All you do is place the WeedeErase over the weed you want to get rid of, push the button and let the IR light kill your weeds.

It works on any weed in your mulch bed and for spot treatment of weeds in your lawn, the WeedErase is effective on broadleaf weeds only.

And don’t worry about setting anything on fire. This zapper doesn’t get hot enough to catch any of your mulch, pine straw or other yard materials on fire or even overheat itself. Do take caution though, the heating component should never come in contact with bare skin or clothes.

Electric Weed Zapper Benefits:

  • No harmful chemicals for you or your soil to be around
  • Targets specific weeds without harming surrounding plants
  • Auto-off switch
  • Reach adjustment allows to easily change the height of the WeedErase
  • Light-weight for easy carrying
  • Temperature-limiting ceramic stone heating element that eliminates overheating
  • Produces very little current

WeedErase Electric Weed Killer Features:

  • 3-pronged cord that attaches to outdoor extension cord that you provide
  • 18-gauge tube for strength and long life
  • Weighs 5 pounds
  • No more bending over in your garden to rip weeds out! Just zap ’em!

The WeedErase works great on the following weeds:


NatureZap DE Electric Weed Killer (Corded)


Additional information

Weight 6.5 lbs


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