Growing Ground Cherries: 8 Important Tips

ground cherries growing

by Jennifer Poindexter

Have you ever heard of ground cherries? Have you considered growing them around your home?

If you haven’t heard of this fruit, that’s okay. It’s one of the best kept secrets in gardening. Ground cherries (Physalis) are annual plants that take a shrub-like form.

They can be planted in the spring and produce a harvest around summer. There are lots of interesting things to know about ground cherries.

Even if you’ve read a how-to on growing this plant, it’s still important to keep a list of tips and tricks around to ensure you’re fully prepared for growing a new crop in your gardening area.

Take the following tips into consideration before adding ground cherries to your garden.

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Most Common Vegetable Garden Diseases and Solutions

Leaf of strawberry plant with text overlay most common vegetable gardening diseases

by Jennifer Poindexter

Do you raise many vegetables in your garden?

Have you noticed there’s an overlap in diseases between some of your vegetable plants? I’m going to bring you a list of some of the most common diseases which frequent veggie gardens.

I’ll also share what you can do to stay ahead of those problems. By being alert to possible issues, you stand a greater chance at saving your harvest if or when disaster strikes.

Here are the common diseases you should be aware of when raising vegetables in the garden.

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These 21 Herbs Can Grow in the Shade

While some herbs require plenty of sunlight for healthy growth, there are a good number that can flourish in shade or partial shade. Here’s our roundup of shade-loving herbs below along with some basic care instructions. American pennyroyal/American false pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides) Perennial grown in USDA zones 5 to 9. Prefers full sun to partial … Read more

How to Grow Cabbage

green cabbage plant growing

by Jennifer Poindexter

Cabbage is one of those vegetables you either love or you hate. Some people love how cabbage can be used in a variety of recipes. Other people can’t seem to get over the smell cabbage produces when it cooks.

If you’re a fan of cabbage, you may want to consider growing it yourself. Don’t feel unprepared. Simply follow the information I’m about to provide you to get your growing season off to a great start.

Here’s what you must know to grow cabbage.

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How to Grow Celery Plants

celery plant stalk and. leaves

by Jennifer Poindexter

Can I share a secret with you? When I first began gardening, I was petrified of growing celery. I live in a southern climate, and it seemed as though celery wasn’t ever going to be in the “gardening cards” for me.

Years later I’ve learned celery can be grown by almost anyone, but you must be prepared to make certain adjustments to accommodate the crop. If you’d love to grow your own celery, stick around. I’ll walk you through each step of the process. Here’s what you should know to add celery to your garden this year.

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What do you do with poinsettias after Christmas?

poinsettia plants

Poinsettias start to look a little bit sad after the holidays have passed. At this point, depending on where you live, you have several choices as to what to do with your poinsettia. The most common choice is to throw it out and buy a new one next year. They typically only cost around $10, and you get to enjoy them from whenever you bought them in late October or early November through the New Year. However, some people don’t like throwing out plants if there is an alternative, and with poinsettias, there is an alternative, in most cases. 

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What do yellow leaves on a poinsettia mean?

poinsettia plant growing

There are a few different reasons that your poinsettia may develop yellow leaves. The most common reason for yellow leaves on a poinsettia is when the plant is getting either too much water or too little water. Make sure that you are watering your poinsettia when the top inch of soil in its pot is dry, but not before. When you give the plant water, keep watering until the moisture drips from the drainage holes at the bottom of the container. 

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How do you take care of a potted poinsettia indoors?

poinsettia plant

Choose a location for your poinsettia where it will not come into contact with drafts or blasts of heated air (from your home’s climate control system or a space heater, for example). The best indoor spot for a poinsettia is in a west-facing or south-facing window. Your poinsettia should receive at least six hours of light each day, whether it receives sunlight or artificial light. 

Remove the foil wrapper that many poinsettias come with, or at least poke holes in the foil wrapper to allow excess moisture to drain out of the plant’s container. Place the poinsettia’s container on a tray or saucer to catch any moisture that drips from the drainage holes. 

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How do you keep a poinsettia year round?

poinsettia plant

To keep a poinsettia year round, you will need to move it into the outdoor garden once there is no danger of the temperature falling below 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7.22 degrees Celsus). The best place to plant your poinsettia outdoors is a spot where it will get sunshine in the morning. When you move your poinsettia outdoors, also cut the plant back to six inches above the ground, but make sure to leave a third of the foliage intact.

If you like, you can pinch back the tips of new shoots once they emerge to encourage bushier growth from your poinsettia. Water the plant whenever the top inch of soil is dry, and fertilize it to keep it healthy while outdoors.

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Do poinsettias bloom more than once?

poinsettia bloom

Although many times poinsettias are treated as disposable holiday decor, there’s no reason to throw out your poinsettias after the holiday season has ended. With the proper care, you can keep your poinsettias so they’ll bloom again the next year. The plant needs to receive a certain amount of light in order to bloom again. 

Indoors, keep your poinsettia in a window that faces south or west so it will get enough sunlight. Provide the plant with water whenever the top inch of its soil has dried out. Once the temperature in your region is safely past the 45-degree-Fahrenheit mark, you can move your poinsettia outdoors for the summer. Be sure that cold weather isn’t forecasted to return, as temperatures of 45 degrees Fahrenheit or below will harm your plant. 

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